Kia ora, I’m Carol. I retired from nursing in 2019 and my husband and I moved to Mandurah in WA, to be closer to our family who were living here.

I had meditated for years, mainly meeting in a group setting. This was good but the benefits seemed momentary.
I always felt something was missing but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Life in general seemed to bring me stress, burdens and grief with it. It affected my health, my relationships and my outlook on life. Sad times, hardships and illnesses, also came with some happy times and contentment but I knew that my mind didn’t do me any great favours most of the time…
Finding the Method: Discarding all your baggage from your mind
It was then that I found a special Meditation at the Mandurah Meditation centre and with that came many answers to many questions, including ‘the method’ to become Truth.
This method sets you on a journey to eliminate one’s self and that I learnt that oneself needs patience, acceptance and perseverance to become the ‘Universe Mind’.
The centre is an amazing place of support, with a caring family atmosphere and meditating guides who are always there, to assist with one on one and group sessions. There are also many daily and evening zoom sessions, where we can join with other centres throughout the world.
Our centre is in a beautiful setting, which is warm and comfortable. I am so grateful to those following the same path, who are willing to share their understandings, with all and to have the opportunity to learn from them about the miracle of oneness.
The benefits are instant through following our ‘teachers’ method to discard one’s lifetime of accumulated pictures from the mind.
For me, relationships with family became easier and happier. Blame, regrets, and expectations disappeared, and I was able to see my adult children in a different light and how our habits come through the generations. This experience revealed to me my mind and I am thankful for that.
I am also grateful to my grandkids doing meditation and am amazed at how quickly their pictures disappear. Learning from them to live in the moment, not to dwell on the little things, and to discard the pictures. Their joyfulness is contagious, they are natural in embracing the universe and nature’s flow.
Thank You Universe.
Carol, Mandurah Meditation
Thanks for sharing .
very encouraging story.
Looks like Children having a goo fun